Benjamin Franklin once said: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. While he may not have been referring to preparing your wood burner or fireplace for winter use, it sure is applicable for that purpose. You may have already been tempted to start a fire in your wood burner or fireplace, however, before doing so, it is a great idea to give them a thorough inspection.
The first thing you should consider when preparing your wood stove or fireplace for winter use is to eliminate the buildup of creosote in your chimney or chimney vent pipe. Because it is extremely flammable, it contributes to a large number of chimney and house fires. To remove this substance you could call a professional chimney sweep or remove it yourself with an extendable wire brush.
Chimney/Vent Pipe
Your chimney or vent pipe will need inspected for deterioration. It is a good idea to clean the vent pipe cap of debris and creosote, as well as making sure your pipe is free of rust or corrosion. In addition, metal vent pipes should be inspected for collapsing inner liners. Brick chimneys can be checked for obstructions, loose or damaged bricks, and cracks or leaks around the chimney.
Wood burner
The wood burner itself has several structural pieces, including the blower, that need attention prior to cold weather. Inspecting the unit for rust, cracks and deterioration is extremely important. The firebricks inside may need to be replaced if severely damaged. Any ash or debris inside the unit, damper, and ash drawer will need to be vacuumed.
Shrock Restoration wants your family to be safe this winter. Heating our homes is essential but should be done safely. The professional restoration personnel at Shrock Restoration are available when needed. In the event of a home disaster, we are there to help you restore better than before!
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